National Weather Service Forecast for:
2 Miles WNW Valley Center, CA Issued by: National Weather Service San Diego, CA |
Updated: Sat, 02-08-2025 2:53am PST | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The detailed point forecast weather data is not currently available.
The zone forecast data for CAZ050 (San Diego County Inland Valleys) will be displayed until the point forecast data is again available. |
Today |
Partly cloudy. Warmer. Highs 66 to 71. Light winds becoming west 10 mph this afternoon. |
Tonight |
Partly cloudy. Lows 40 to 48 in wind sheltered areas to 44 to 52 in warmer locations. Areas of winds northwest to 10 mph in the evening becoming light. |
Sunday |
Partly cloudy. Highs 70 to 75. Areas of winds east to 10 mph becoming southwest 10 mph in the afternoon. |
Sunday Night |
Partly cloudy. Patchy fog overnight. Lows 36 to 45 in wind sheltered areas to 41 to 46 in warmer locations. Light winds. |
Monday |
Patchy fog in the morning. Partly cloudy. Highs 60 to 65. Areas of winds south 10 to 15 mph. |
Tuesday Night |
Partly cloudy with a slight chance of rain. Lows 36 to 45. |
Wednesday |
Partly cloudy with a chance of rain. Highs 60 to 63 in the western valleys to 54 to 59 near the foothills. |
Wednesday Night |
Partly cloudy with a chance of rain. Lows 40 to 47. |
Thursday |
Rain likely. Rain may be heavy at times in the afternoon. Highs 62 to 65 in the western valleys to 56 to 61 near the foothills. |
Thursday Night |
Rain. Rain may be heavy at times. Lows 40 to 49. |
Friday |
Mostly cloudy with rain likely in the morning, then partly cloudy with a chance of showers in the afternoon. Highs around 61 in the western valleys to 54 to 59 near the foothills. |
Forecast from NOAA-NWS for 2 Miles WNW Valley Center, CA. (Zone forecast for San Diego County Inland Valleys)